
We are one not separate

This website is about Mindful parenting. So let’s keep our focus on the word “mindful”. So let me start with the mention from the podcast called “The Way Out Is In.” In episode# 56, “Caring for children, caring for the child inside,” brother Phap Huu, a young monastic, Abbott of the upper hamlet in Plum Village, France, says that if you care for yourself, then you come from a very different place. Your energy shifts, and you don’t coerce or force, love becomes boundless when the energy shifts, we have more space, more freedom, to establish solid and strong relationships. He also says that too much structure has our divided society and parents who come with their children to attend the family retreat at the Plum Village to learn Mindfulness often ask him what is my time and how do I make time for my child? This is sad because it talks of separation.

Is there a better way to parent? We don’t know the only thing I can say for sure is becoming a mindful person & be fully present is the key to establish successful relationships. Educationist, spiritual leaders, policy makers, doctors, psychologist, people coming from different field have always said this, and with the wealth of new findings in pediatric neurobiology parents have unlimited access to wealth of the kind of skills, they need to interact with their child as best suits the needs of their family. There is not a right or wrong way. My website, mindful parenting, will show you how to establish a strong bond with your child. As Oren Jay Sofer says our own needs matter, as much as the needs of our child but we must learn how to put their needs before ours and by doing so we can establish a strong bond with our child. . We must not loose our focus! so let me close by saying this nothing more precious than loving a gift that all our children deserve and there is no separation of my mind or making time for a children Family Life is intertwined and we need to establish “ Oneness”.

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